Lavender Wind Lavender Essential Oil - Private Blend 1 oz
50.00 Excl. tax
Our own custom blend of pure lavender essential oils with a wonderful fragrance and a strong finish from plants grown and processed on Whidbey Island.
Product description
Lavender is one of the most versatile of all essential oils. There are many varieties of lavender plants and oil can be made from any of them with subtle differences in oils from each variety. Have fun exploring and learning about all of them.
In general, lavender essential oil can aid in sleep and relaxation, and it smells wonderful. Lavender is one of the few essential oils you can put directly on your skin, but do not take it internally.
Our essential oil is steam-distilled in copper stills. The lavender is grown on Whidbey Island in a sustainable way that uses people instead of pesticides, so the oil is pure.
Size: 1 oz blue glass bottle with dropper top
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